Helen Mirren, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Colin Salmon, John Benfield, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
John Benfield, Helen Mirren, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Helen Mirren, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Helen Mirren, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Colin Salmon, Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine (1), Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine (1+2), Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine (2)
Foto: ServusTV
PRIME SUSPECT 2 GRANADA 1992 A year on from her first murder enquiry, DCI Jane Tennison is on top form, having built on the success of her last case and consolidated the hard won respect of her colleagues. She is relaxed and self confident - sure enough of herself to
mehr...PRIME SUSPECT 2 GRANADA 1992 A year on from her first murder enquiry, DCI Jane Tennison is on top form, having built on the success of her last case and consolidated the hard won respect of her colleagues. She is relaxed and self confident - sure enough of herself to enjoy scoring points off the devious and ambitious DCI Thorndike whilst they jointly chair a course in interrogation techniques, but always maintaining her commitment to her work and attention to detail. Proof of the esteem in which she is now held comes when Detective Superintendent Kernan asks Tennison to head a new murder enquiry. A plum case - or is it? The body of a young girl is discovered in a shallow grave in the back garden of a terraced house in a largely Afro-Caribbean neighbourhood in London. The case is a difficult one, for the body is badly decomposed, leaving almost no clues to the girl's identity. Tennison's job is made harder by the fact that the enquiry is taking place in a community already bubbling under with tension and with a history of bad relations with the police. Tennison has to contend with prejudice and misunderstanding from both the locals and from within her own team - meanwhile her boss, with one eye on his promotion, is putting the pressure on to get the case solved double quick with minimum fuss. More than enough for Jane Tennison to contend with - but these difficulties are nothing compared to the problems which Tennison faces when unexpectedly, her personal and professional worlds collide... Picture shows - John Benfield as DS Michael Kernan, Stafford Gordon as Commander Trayner and Stephen Boxer as DCI Thorndike © ITV/Granada 1992
Foto: ServusTV
PRIME SUSPECT 2 GRANADA 1992 A year on from her first murder enquiry, DCI Jane Tennison is on top form, having built on the success of her last case and consolidated the hard won respect of her colleagues. She is relaxed and self confident - sure enough of herself to
mehr...PRIME SUSPECT 2 GRANADA 1992 A year on from her first murder enquiry, DCI Jane Tennison is on top form, having built on the success of her last case and consolidated the hard won respect of her colleagues. She is relaxed and self confident - sure enough of herself to enjoy scoring points off the devious and ambitious DCI Thorndike whilst they jointly chair a course in interrogation techniques, but always maintaining her commitment to her work and attention to detail. Proof of the esteem in which she is now held comes when Detective Superintendent Kernan asks Tennison to head a new murder enquiry. A plum case - or is it? The body of a young girl is discovered in a shallow grave in the back garden of a terraced house in a largely Afro-Caribbean neighbourhood in London. The case is a difficult one, for the body is badly decomposed, leaving almost no clues to the girl's identity. Tennison's job is made harder by the fact that the enquiry is taking place in a community already bubbling under with tension and with a history of bad relations with the police. Tennison has to contend with prejudice and misunderstanding from both the locals and from within her own team - meanwhile her boss, with one eye on his promotion, is putting the pressure on to get the case solved double quick with minimum fuss. More than enough for Jane Tennison to contend with - but these difficulties are nothing compared to the problems which Tennison faces when unexpectedly, her personal and professional worlds collide... Picture shows - Press conference with John Benfield as DS Michael Kernan and Helen Mirren as DCI Jane Tennison © ITV/Granada 1992
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: TELE 5
Heißer Verdacht: Operation Nadine
Foto: UFA
"Sissi" (25.12. um 15:45 Uhr bei Das Erste)
Österreichs Kaiser Franz Joseph (Karlheinz Böhm) soll vor den Traualtar treten. Mutter Sophie hat bereits eine passende Prinzessin ausgemacht, doch der Kaiser verliebt sich in deren Schwester Elisabeth (Schneider). Obwohl sich "Sissi" wenig um Etikette schert, führt Franzl seine große Liebe gegen den Willen seiner Mama vor den Altar… Die Royalromanze lockte Mitte der 50er-Jahre mehr als sechs Millionen Zuschauer in die Kinos.
Foto: Studio Canal
"Sissi, die junge Kaiserin" (25.12., 17:30 Uhr bei Das Erste)
Nach dem Erfolg des ersten "Sissi"-Films steigerte Ernst Marischka für diese Fortsetzung noch mal den K.-u.-k.-Kitschfaktor: Der Rausch der Traumhochzeit ist verflogen. Sissi (Romy Schneider), nunmehr Ehefrau von Kaiser Franz Joseph (Karlheinz Böhm), will sich nicht ins strenge Hofzeremoniell fügen. Als die Schwiegermama die Erziehung der Enkelin beansprucht, platzt Sissi der Kragen
Foto: UFA
"Sissi – Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin" (26.12. um 17:30 Uhr bei Das Erste)
Ein Lungenleiden bereitet Sissis Balkanreise ein dramatisches Ende. Fernab vom geliebten "Franzl" (Karlheinz Böhm) sucht sie Linderung auf Madeira und Korfu. Kaum genesen, steht ein Staatsbesuch in Italien auf dem Programm. Dort kommt es zum Eklat: Bei einer Gala in der Mailänder Scala lässt sich der Adel von seiner Diener-schaft vertreten. Aber keine Bange: Rechtzeitig zum Happyend versinkt Venedig in Tränen. Romy Schneider, die unter ihrer zuckersüßen Rolle ebenso litt wie die Kaiserin, siecht im letzten Teil der Trilogie prachtvoll vor sich hin. Die damals 19-jährige Schauspielerin schwor anschließend: "Ich spiele nie wieder Sissi!"
Foto: UFA